Ukrainian Financial Forum 2018

Opening speeches

Kostiantyn Stetsenko, ICU Founding Partner

Makar Paseniuk, ICU Founding Partner

Keynote speakers

Narayana Kocherlakota, President and CEO of the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis 2009-2015

Keyu Jin, Associate Professor of Economics, London school of Economics

Keynotes panel: Global finances and the world economy: What can Ukraine expect from two superpowers?

Edward Lucas, Senior vice-president at the Centre for European Policy Analysis, formerly a senior editor at the Economist (1994-2017)

Jerome Booth, Chairman at New Sparta Asset Management, co-founder of Ashmore Group

Brock Pierce, Bitcoin Foundation, Restart, Blockchain Capital, EOS, Tether

Vitaly M. Golomb, Managing Director & Global Head of Principal Investments, IEG - Investment Banking Group

Day 1: Global and Ukraine Macro

Panel 1A: Will politics prevent progress? Reforms in an election year. Policy makers' view

Panel 1B: Will politics prevent progress? Reforms in an election year. Investors' view

Panel 2A: Ukraine's alternative energy evolution

Panel 2B: Government as an active owner

Panel 3A: Betting on the future: Organized commodity trading in Ukraine

Panel 3B: What can happen in a year? A look ahead for Ukraine’s economy

Day 2: Ukraine's financial markets: Making progress a reality

Panel 4A: Ukrainian pension reform in the light of European practice

Panel 4B: Missed opportunities in emerging markets: Known risk and better rewards

Panel 5B: To sell or not to sell: How to move Ukrainian privatization from a standstill?

Panel 6A: Blockchain: Opportunities and threats for crypto currencies in Ukraine

Panel 6B: Meeting global standards for capital market infrastructure and the tools for developing the domestic market

Panel 7A: A vibrant opportunity: Ukraine’s venture capital industry

Panel 7B: Outlook and opportunities in domestic sovereign bonds

Panel 8: Outlook and opportunities in domestic corporate bonds