Kostiantyn Stetsenko, ICU Founding Partner
Makar Paseniuk, ICU Founding Partner
Narayana Kocherlakota, President and CEO of the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis 2009-2015
Keyu Jin, Associate Professor of Economics, London school of Economics
Keynotes panel: Global finances and the world economy: What can Ukraine expect from two superpowers?
Edward Lucas, Senior vice-president at the Centre for European Policy Analysis, formerly a senior editor at the Economist (1994-2017)
Jerome Booth, Chairman at New Sparta Asset Management, co-founder of Ashmore Group
Brock Pierce, Bitcoin Foundation, Restart, Blockchain Capital, EOS, Tether
Vitaly M. Golomb, Managing Director & Global Head of Principal Investments, IEG - Investment Banking Group
Panel 1A: Will politics prevent progress? Reforms in an election year. Policy makers' view
Panel 1B: Will politics prevent progress? Reforms in an election year. Investors' view
Panel 2A: Ukraine's alternative energy evolution
Panel 2B: Government as an active owner
Panel 3A: Betting on the future: Organized commodity trading in Ukraine
Panel 3B: What can happen in a year? A look ahead for Ukraine’s economy
Panel 4A: Ukrainian pension reform in the light of European practice
Panel 4B: Missed opportunities in emerging markets: Known risk and better rewards
Panel 5B: To sell or not to sell: How to move Ukrainian privatization from a standstill?
Panel 6A: Blockchain: Opportunities and threats for crypto currencies in Ukraine
Panel 6B: Meeting global standards for capital market infrastructure and the tools for developing the domestic market
Panel 7A: A vibrant opportunity: Ukraine’s venture capital industry
Panel 7B: Outlook and opportunities in domestic sovereign bonds
Panel 8: Outlook and opportunities in domestic corporate bonds