Photo gallery Ukrainian Financial Forum 2018

Day 1: Global and Ukrainian Macroeconomic situation

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25 photo

Hosts & keynotes

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Will politics prevent progress? Reforms in an election year. Part 1: The policy makers view

34 photo

Will politics prevent progress? Reforms in an election year. Part 2: The investment view

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Ukraine’s alternative energy evolution

21 photo

Government as an active owner

39 photo

Betting on the future: Organized commodity trading in Ukraine

22 photo

What can happen in a year? A look ahead for Ukraine’s economy

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Day 2: Ukraine's financial markets: Making progress a reality

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Keynote speakers

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Ukrainian pension reform in the light of European practice

22 photo

Missed opportunities in emerging markets: Known risk and better rewards

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To sell or not to sell: How to move Ukrainian privatisation from a standstill?

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Blockchain: Opportunities and threats for crypto currencies in Ukraine

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Meeting global standards for capital market infrastructure and the tools for developing the domestic market

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A vibrant opportunity: Ukraine’s venture capital industry

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Outlook and opportunities in domestic sovereign and corporate bonds. Part 1: Sovereign bonds

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Outlook and opportunities in domestic sovereign and corporate bonds. Part 2: Corporate bonds

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The secrets of my success: Ukraine’s top start-ups in their own words

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Gala evening