Opening speeches & keynote speakers panel
Commodity trading on the exchanges
Acknowledging Ukraine's reforms accomplishments
Ukraine's positioning in the global economy
Ukraine's reforms: acknowledging the accomplishments
Ukraine macroeconomic and financial situation
Pension system reform
Relaxation of FX controls, capital markets regulation
Corporate governance and financial sector compliance
Capital market infrastructure and financial instruments
Crypto currencies and crypto securities markets
Petro Poroshenko, President of Ukraine, opening speech
Makar Paseniuk, ICU, opening speech
Konstantin Stetsenko, ICU, opening speech
Jonathan David Ostry, Deputy Director of the Research Department, IMF
Yanis Varoufakis keynote speech
Francis Malige, managing director, Eastern Europe and the Caucasus, EBRD
Lajos Bokros CEU Professor, former Minister of Finance of Hungary
Sergey Aleksashenko, former Russian Minister of Finance
Engin Akcakoca, SDIF Turkey
Satu Kahkonen, WorldBank
Lajos Bokros, former Minister of Finance of Hungary, CEU Professor
Dmytro Shymkiv question & subsequent discussion
Kateryna Rozhkova, Deputy Governor, National Bank of Ukraine
Lajos Bokros on privatization Q by Andriy Boytsun
Ulana Suprun MD, Minister of Health of Ukraine
Yuriy Terentyev, Head of the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine
Dmytro Shymkiv, Presidential Administration of Ukraine Deputy Head
Pavlo Moroz, former Deputy Minister of Justice of Ukraine
Ulana Suprun MD, Minister of Health of Ukraine comments
Jonh K Pennell, Deputy Mission Director, USAID Ukraine
Oleksandr Danyliuk, Minister of Finance Ukraine
Timothy Ash, Senior EM sovereign strategist
Makar Paseniuk, ICU
Goesta Ljungman, IMF - Ukraine's positioning in the global economy
Makar Paseniuk, ICU on privatisation esp. in the energy sector
Timothy Ash, 2nd panel closing remarks